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The climatic change and the steadily rising demands on the product and the production will constantly create new challenges for the market of fruit and vegetables. To supply our customers in the long term with the best products we work on the basis of international standards which we implement in our quality management. For example, we exclusively work with producers who are certified by Global GAP.
Food Safety Authority
Due to growing criticism and higher requirements of the customers concerning the issue of food contamination and residues the monitoring of such substances plays a primary role within the Food Safety Authority.
We do not only proof that our products conform to laws but also oblige ourselves to reduce the number of residues in fruits and vegetables to a minimum. After many years of experience and research the maximum number of pesticides per product group has been defined (see link: PPO instruction of pesticides monitoring). The basis for the evaluation is the Ordinance of 26 June 1995 on foreign substances and constituents in food (OSEC) of the current constitution. For ecological products the Ordinance for organic agriculture is applied. For the evaluation of imported products the limit values of the European Union may be taken into account. The sampling scheme provides information on the sample size and the frequency.
Swiss Ordinance on foreign substances and constituents in food
List of authorised additives and E numbers
EU Regulation of 1881/2006 setting maximum Levels for certain contaminants in food
EU Regulation No 396/2005 on maximum residue Levels of pesticides
Temperatures for transport and storage
Only the strict adherence to the temperature requirements during transportation and storage ensures high Quality of the product throughout the entire value chain from the producer to the end customer.
Climate guideline for transportation and short storage